ipHaus provides a range of products and housing typologies which can be customized to meet each projects need. This includes different options for building layouts, unit configurations and building typologies. Clients can opt to work from our standard building typologies or the ipHaus team can assist in a bespoke building design.
ipHaus features:
- Easy customization of interiors, finishes and fixtures, from economical eco-retreats to luxury villas.
- Assistance with robust solutions for building foundations (dependent upon the projects constraints)
- Plug and Play micro-grids for supplementary power solutions.
- Featuring upcyclable and recyclable building panel systems.
Our approach is environmentally mindful, focusing on low Carbon Footprint construction and ensuring optimal building performance and reduced material waste.
New York City Affordable Housing
Dense urban hubs have an excess of vacant lots which remain untapped partially due to the disruption to local neighborhoods utilizing conventional construction. These vacant lots in the aggregate account for millions of SF/m2 of area in the aggregate. ipHaus' novel, modular, prefab construction technology provides solutions, allowing for quick construction times, no need for heavy equipment and at cost competitive rates.
Globally there is an affordable housing gap of 1.6 billion people, with over 440 million households living in substandard housing and so financially stretched by housing costs that they forego other essentials. These vacant lots can be activated to also provide affordable housing and community services both which are in high demand and under supplied as well as temporary housing solutions for relocation of residents during building renovation.
Average units sizes range from 55 m2/592 sf to 38 m2/409 sf.

Multi-Family Low Rise
ipHaus' Design + Manufacture + Construct technology allows for multiple building configuration catered to meet the needs of each project. Our core designs can be modified to meet the projects needs and constraints.
The multi-family low rise typology (3 floors) can be customized to a mix of studio, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom units ranging from 38 m2/409 sf to 55 m2/592 sf based on the size of the lot. This typology is ideal for narrow lots and difficult to build in spaces with an average assemblage time of 3 to 4 months (not including permitting and approvals and foundation work. .


ipHaus offers other housing solutions including Live/Work & Inter-generational Housing, (ADU) Accessory Dwelling Unit, Eco-Retreat Co-Live, Disaster Relief Housing. Learn more about other types of applications of ipHaus' prefab panels.